Wednesday 4 October 2017

Mantra Pushpam



“Hari Om yagnena yagnamayajanta devaastaani dharmaani prathamaabyaasan, Tehanakam mahimaanah sachanta yatra poorve sadhyaa santi Devaah; ” 
Hari Aum.(Invocation of Primordial sound) in the beginning the devas (Celestial beings) worshipped Lord Vishnu by means of a sacrificial fire(yagyan) by such religious deeds they attain greatness in heaven (the abode of the divine, Celestial beings). 
“Aum rajaadhiraajaaya prasahya saahine namo vayam Vaishravanaaya kurmahe, Sa me kaaman kaama kaamaya mahyam kameswaro Vaishravano tathatu., Kuberaraya Vaishravanaaya Mahaaraajaaya namah.” 
“Aum! Salutation to Vaishravan(Celestial being in heaven incharge of wealth). He is the King of Kings, who is help. May he thy grant me my desires as Vaishravan, the lord of all my desires. 
“Om swasti saamrajyam bhojyam swaaraajyam vairaajyam, paarameshtyam, Raajyam mahaarajya maadhi patya mayam Samantaparyaa yeesyat” 
Saarvabhoumah saarvayushya aantaadaaparaaraadhaat prithivyai Samudraparyanthaayaa ekaraalithi 
Aum! Let there be well being! Let he attain universal sovereignty eternelly, enjoyment (of pleasures), independence, perfect detachment, distinction and position of a great king, and supreme Lordship, so that he rules the universe and become the paramount ruler of the whole earth all his life, possessed of longevity and fullness of life, and be the absolute king of the earth streching upto its oceanic shores. “Tadapyesha slokobhigeeto marutah parivestaaro marutah pariveshtaaro, maruttasyaavasan gruhe Avikshitasya kamaprer Visvedevaah sabhaa sada ithi” 
It is a prayer for Marutt, the son of Avikshit excelling in the four qualities of knowledge, righteousness, detachment and longivity - whose abode all Celestial deities visit. 
“Shri Naarayana Vaasudevaaya Sri saccidananda Sadguru Saiñatha Maharaja ki Jaya, O! Shri Narayan Vasudev Sachchidananad! Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!”

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