Wednesday, 4 October 2017




“Jaya Deva Jaya Deva Datta avadhutaa, O Sayee avadhutaa

Jodoonikara tava charanee ttevito maathaa, Jaya Deva Jaya Dev” 
Hail Lord! Datta Avadhuta! (a divine Incarnation) O Sai Avadhuta! With my folded hands, I place my head at your feet. Hail Lord! Hail Lord! 
“Avataraseen too yaetaan dharmaante glanee, Naastheekaanaahee too laavisi nijabhajanee Daavisi naanaa leela asankhya roopaanee, Harisee dheenanche too sankata dinarajanee Jaya Deva Jaya Deva…” 
You take Avatar (Incarnation) when Dharma (purity and righteousness) declines; Even the non-believers devolopfaith in you. Showing many types of Leelas (Graces) in your innumerable forms; you remove the miseries of your devotees, day and night. Hail Lord… 
“Yavana swaroopee aikhyaa darshana twaan dhidhale, Samsaya nirsuniyaan thathdwaitaa ghaalavile Gopichandaa mandaa twaanchee uddharile, Momina vamsee janmuni lokaan taariyale Jaya Deva Jaya Deva…” 
You gave Darshan (divine vision) to someone in the guice of Moslem. By removing all doubts, you set him on the path leading towards the unity with the Self. Even Raja Gopichanda and the river Mandakini (Ganges) were purified by you. Born of a Moslem family of weavers you had brought salvation to all the people. Hail Lord Sai… 
“Bhed na tathwee hindoo yavananchaa kaanhee Daawayaansee jzaalaa punarapi naradehee Paahasin premaane too Hindu yavanaanhee, Daavisi aatmatwaane vyaapaka haa sayee Jaya Deva Jaya Deva…” 
You do not distinguish between Hindus and Moslems. In the present human form taken by you, you give the same look of love both to the Hindus and Moslems and establish the universality of your love. Hail Lord Sai… 
“Devaa Sayeenaathaa twatpadanata vhaahe, paramaayaamohita janamochana jhanin vhaave, Twakripayaa sakalaanche sankata nirasaawe, deshila tari de twadhyash krishnaane gaave Jaya Deva Jaya Deva…”
O the Lord Sainatha, I would always like to be at your feet, Liberate the mankind stepped in worldly illusions and remove their difficulties by your grace. If you desire to give me anything, then give Krishna (composer of this portion of Aarti) the ability to sing your prayers. Hail Lord…

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